vuurrobins devblog

A place to dump my development stuff.

DSOL version 0.01 (4)

September 10th, 2009 by vuurrobin, under DS-dev, DSOL.

It took me a bit longer than expected, but a new version of DSOL is out.


  • added code for using keys and touchscreen
  • changed IUpdater name to IUpdate, to be consistend with the update function
  • changed the update function so that it returns a reference of itself
  • changed AffineMatrix to have more functions, like getting the scale of a sprite
  • improved documentation

download is on the DSOL page.

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4 Responses to “DSOL version 0.01”

  1. Christoher Truman says:

    This is awesome!
    Keep up the great work!

  2. Quali says:

    Great, DSOL can help people by work with ds homebrew.

  3. dsdude says:

    This sounds interesting, could you provide me with some info on what DSOL is and can do?, i noticed palib forums are down, id like to check this out.

  4. vuurrobin says:

    Well, have you checked out the DSOL page and documentation? It should give you a pretty good idea about what it is.