include/Sprite.hpp File Reference

this file contains a Sprite class for handling sprites on the DS. More...

#include "StandardDefines.hpp"
#include "MemoryFunctions.hpp"
#include "IUpdate.hpp"
#include "AffineMatrix.hpp"
#include "Palette.hpp"


class  DSOL::Sprites::Sprite
 a class for working with ds sprites. More...


namespace  DSOL
 the master namespace of the library. every class, function and variable will be in this namespace.
namespace  DSOL::Sprites
 contains all the classes and functions dealing with Sprites.


static void DSOL::Sprites::copyGfxData (const u32 *sourcePointer, u16 *gfxPointer, const uint dataLength)
 a wrapper for copying gfx data.
const uint DSOL::Sprites::gfxToByteSize (const SpriteSize size, const SpriteColorFormat colorFormat)
 returns the size in bytes of a given size and colorFormat.
static const uint DSOL::Sprites::gfxToFrameCount (const uint gfxLength, const SpriteSize size, const SpriteColorFormat colorFormat)
 calculates the number of frames that a sprite has.
const uint DSOL::Sprites::spriteSizeToHeight (const SpriteSize size)
 returns the height for a given SpriteSize enum value.
static const uint DSOL::Sprites::spriteSizeToPixel (const SpriteSize size)
 returns the number of pixels a SpriteSize uses.
const uint DSOL::Sprites::spriteSizeToWidth (const SpriteSize size)
 returns the width for a given SpriteSize enum value.

Detailed Description

this file contains a Sprite class for handling sprites on the DS.

Generated on Thu Sep 10 19:09:46 2009 for DSOL by  doxygen 1.5.8