File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
include/AffineMatrix.hppClass and some enums for managing affine matrix transformations
include/BooleanArray.hppClass for creating a static(with a fixed length) boolean array
include/DSOL.hppMasterfile that includes everything
include/Initialise.hppSome general functions about initialising and updating the DS
include/IUpdate.hppThis file contains a interfase class with a single pure virtual function update()
include/Keys.hppBitfield for all the keys and a (singleton) class to store all the states
include/LiteVector.hppThis file contains a 'lite' version of the std::Vector class
include/MemoryFunctions.hppSome template wrappers to make malloc easier and better to work with and some functions about memory usage
include/Palette.hppThis file contains a class for handling which sprite palettes are in use
include/Random.hppThis file has some functions for creating random values
include/Sprite.hppThis file contains a Sprite class for handling sprites on the DS
include/StandardDefines.hppSome commenly used values and defines
include/TouchScreen.hppSingleton class dealing with touchscreen input

Generated on Thu Sep 10 19:09:48 2009 for DSOL by  doxygen 1.5.8